"If it were really the case that terrorists "hate us for our freedoms," we'd be getting more popular with Al Qaeda every month." -- Julian Sanchez of Reason.com
Darkcoder found a flaw in realistic 12 that allowed him to read any file through the guest.pl script. The bug was that user-input was checked before the uri escape was done, allowing him to specify any character he wanted.
ace and xenoix found a CSRF vulnerbility in the site that allowed them to edit user profiles, post news as administrators and submit articles and bug reports as members
xenoix and ace found a flaw in the HTS Art project that allowed them to manipulate the upload form. From this they were able to upload malicious files onto the server
xenoix and ace found a flaw in the HTS Art project that allowed them to manipulate the upload form. From this they were able to upload malicious files onto the server
agentsteal found a vulnerability in HTS's password hashing algorithm. He was able to find users that had the same password and find regular users that had admin passwords.
Nines9 and evinyatar found an XSS/CSRF vulnerability in realistic 11 that allowed them to edit user profiles, send PMs, submit articles and bug reports as members.
StenoPlasma found a vulnerability in the source viewing script which allowed him to view any file on the server. He also found the same flaw in another script shortly after.
Found a way to abuse old unused code to login as any user with just his passhash and userid. Proof of concept gave him to get full administrator access on the site.
Nines9 and StenoPlasma found a CSRF vulnerability in the Forum BBCode that allowed them to make themselves site administrators, log out users, flag comments, accept and delete IRC linked Nicknames, etc.
Lecpetex found a bug in the advertising admin panel that was vulnerable to SQL injection.
150 Points
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