"The greatest power of the mass media is the power to ignore. The worst thing about this power is that you may not even know you're using it." --Sam Smith
The lectures take place in the #lecture channel on the HackThisSite IRC Server.
Some lecturers have chosen to use a bot (LectureBot) to handle
questions during the lecture; this is at the lecturer's discretion and each bot
is different.
Because of the nature of some lectures there may
be some requirement to have certain programs or to have reviewed certain
information prior to the lecture its self. If this is the case the
links/programs you need will be posted both on this page and in the topic of
both lecture rooms on the IRC server.
During the lecture you will not be able to speak in this room, but you may discuss the current topic of the lecture in a second channel. You may use the online IRC
applet (click here), alternatively you may use your own client (Server: irc.hackthissite.org).
It is strongly recommended that you do download an IRC Client because this will
enable you to be in both lecture rooms simultaneously. This can also be achieved
by opening two browser windows and using the IRC applet in both.
We welcome all suggestions for lectures, even if you can't take them
yourself. If you wish to suggest an idea for a lecture please feel free to ask about it on the forums.
If you wish to take a lecture yourself please review the guidelines on the
Lecture Submission page.
HackThisSite is the collective work of the HackThisSite staff, licensed under a CC BY-NC license.
We ask that you inform us upon sharing or distributing.