[A]s we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously. ~ ben franklin
0x00 Introduction
In contrast to other articles I will give you the knowledge to be able to solve all Basic missions instead of give out step by step guides to ruin the fun (except at Basic 11). I will give you a little more information and interesting extra tasks for completing the challenges.
0x01 HTML
If you are a perfectly beginner or a newcomer the Basic Missions are the best way to start challenges at HTS. You can gain basic skills during defeat each levels and if you won't give up, it will worth it. First of all before you start you have to learn HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). You shouldn't be afraid, this can be your first programming language. It is very easy and you shouldn't start the missions before you don't know it.
If you have never seen source codes before, you can right click on the site and view the source or press CTRL+U. An interesting fact is that the characters on the screen have codes too. You can check ASCII and Unicode character tables, if this is new for you.
0x02 Firefox
If you are using Internet Explorer as web browser, you must try out Firefox.
It has a lot of interesting addons:
1. Web Developer
~ You will be able to edit HTML (Miscellaneous), display hidden elements (Miscellaneous), view and edit cookies (Cookies) and a lot of other interesting stuffs.
2. RefControl
~ You will be able to set manually the HTTP referrer (previous site address).
3. Tamper Data
~ You will be able to view and edit HTTP headers (modify the datas what the site sends).
4. User Agent Switcher
~ You will be able to modify your user agent (the datas about you).
5. Greasemonkey
~ You will be able to add your custom JavaScripts later. (It can be your 2nd language.)
0x03 SSI and Bash
From 7th to the 9th mission it is very easy. You should learn only one single command: how to list files in Bash. The other thing what you should know a very little knowledge about Server Side Includes. I should warn you about that you must use the most simple syntax every time.
7th mission:
Search how to separate commands in one line and list files.
8th mission:
Search how to execute commands with SSI and list files where you want.
9th mission:
You should execute SSI where you could.
0x04 Basic 11
This mission is very tricky. I decided to make a separate section because there isn't any article about it on the site yet. The challenge has 2 parts:
1. Find the password file:
a) First of all you can notice that if you refresh the page you see different songs. You should think about that what is common with them.
b) After you find it out, you should think about how the musics can be stored, you should think about directories. Find out the right directory name and follow the links to other directories. You should stop at the 5th directory.
c) You should add a special file name to the url.
Learn what is a directory-level configuration file.
d) You should go to the password file.
2. Enter the password:
a) Go back to the beginning of the challenge where you saw the musics.
b) Guess that what could be the file name if it should be the first page of the challenge.
0x05 Extra Miles
You should read these after you completed the missions:
Basic 5: Try out the other solutions which you didn't do.
A) Make a page at your local computer and set a custom referrer to it.
B) Edit HTML directly on HTS.
C) Try tampering datas.
Basic 6: Instead of the manual solution, write a Greasemonkey script which can encrypt and decrypt on the mission page.
Basic 11: There is a way to solve the mission in a more easy way. You should learn how to search with Google in a custom way. Find out how to get the file names what you were looking for.
0x06 Conclusion
Now you have everything to solve all missions alone.
I hope that I could help. I wish you the best. :)
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