HackThisSite.org News: ABCTF (July 15 - 22)

by: HackThisSite Staff, 12:07 pm Tuesday July 12th, 2016

ABCTF - Capture the Flag

This is a bit of a short notice!! It has been a few weeks since we last competed and we do not want to get rusty. This is another perfect opportunity for you to join in and get your feet wet on CTFs if you have never participated before.

Team sizes can be up to 5 members. However, if you wish to join in with the HTS Team we will provide you with the necessary details to be sure we can all stay together. If you want to join us, hop into #CTF on IRC. While we primarily use IRC to communicate we do have a discord server available for voice comms.


ABCTF strives to engage young security enthusiasts in the hot field of cybersecurity. We can and will help anyone take their first steps in the cybersecurity world. There will be dozens upon dozens of problems ranging in difficulty from beginner to expert and everything in between. Whatever your level is, we will have plenty of problems to keep you busy.